Happy Australia Day to all here who reside in Australia:
- and for those who have actually got the day off, halve your luck!
(Yet again, I have drawn the short straw and am working today - oh, the joys of Remote Site FIFO work!)
happy australia day to all here who reside in australia:.
- and for those who have actually got the day off, halve your luck!.
(yet again, i have drawn the short straw and am working today - oh, the joys of remote site fifo work!
Happy Australia Day to all here who reside in Australia:
- and for those who have actually got the day off, halve your luck!
(Yet again, I have drawn the short straw and am working today - oh, the joys of Remote Site FIFO work!)
after the indian ocean tsunami, a brother with a budding real estate empire on the island floated the idea that people should sell their ocean-front properties, (he would oblige), before the coming big one, and they would fall even lower in price.
do you know any happy buyers in the pre-1975 era that are now sitting pretty?
unless the buyer of the farm was 'in on' the 75 prediction and snickering about it.
He was!
after the indian ocean tsunami, a brother with a budding real estate empire on the island floated the idea that people should sell their ocean-front properties, (he would oblige), before the coming big one, and they would fall even lower in price.
do you know any happy buyers in the pre-1975 era that are now sitting pretty?
About the only example I can recall was a brother who sold up his farm during those pre-1975 years (1973, to be exact). That property was located on some prime agricultural land in a rich farming district (the locals used to have a saying about that deep alluvial soil and how it would grow just about anything - "even grand pianos.")
When this particular farm was sold, the consensus was that it had been let go at close to a "fire sale" price.
Other than that, it did not escape unnoticed that certain others who also owned big farms appeared to have no interest at all in parting with those lucrative sources of income (and farming was a very profitable business in the years I am talking about). Noteworthy, though, that they (or at least their descendants) are still "in the Truth"
- whereas that brother who let his place go for a song had a long battle with the brown bottle in the years post-1975.
of these, over 2,000 were admitted to concentration camps.
1,000 died in prison and concentration camps.
another 1,000 of jehovah's witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps.".
Are Watchtower Society Statistics Really Trustworthy?
For a variety of reasons, no. Good points made by OrphanCrow and also ecan6:
i.e. Those of the "Bible Student" group who had already split with Uncle Joe Boozerford, but still ran afoul of the Nazis - and also those who became inactive during the Nazi era. The WTS definitely would not want that figure admitted to!
i've managed several thousand employees in the last decade.
i've had a handful that identified themselves as witnesses.
from experience, they were no different than any other employees.
I only ever worked for one JW, and I would have to say that he was an excellent employer. Mind you, he was an exceptional person (Having never known him before he became a JW, I cannot comment on how much his religion contributed / did not contribute towards that).
Otherwise, all persons I know who worked for JWs have been unanimous that it was a negative experience. This includes a non-JW friend of my wife's, who worked many years for a pest control company where senior management is still dominated by prominent Witnesses. (Down in this part of the world, many elders are not window-washers. Pest control is another occupation in which the JWs are overly represented).
dr. phil zuckerman (professor of sociology).
my own ongoing research among secular americans - as well as that of a handful of other social scientists who have only recently turned their gaze on secular culture - confirms that non-religious family life is replete with its own sustaining moral values and enriching ethical precepts.
chief among those: rational problem solving, personal autonomy, independence of thought, avoidance of corporal punishment, a spirit of "questioning everything" and, far above all, empathy.. the results of such secular child-rearing are encouraging.
To me, not at all surprising - I have always maintained that ethics and religion are two totally separate issues.
being that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
The accusation of "Stupid Atheists" coming from a guy who is, at best, barely even semi-literate?
Talk about irony of ironies!
Then again, they do say that it often "takes one to know one." Maybe you are correct after all, and that we are stupid. On the matter of stupidity, you - out of all people - would be a bloody expert, so your opinion would have to rate highly.
I salute you as a Subject Matter Expert!
(PS: Definition of the term expert = "A has-been drip under pressure"
the movie american sniper is breaking box office records and of course there is some irony that a movie about a sniper is released on martin luther king day (who was shot by one).. but of course there is a world of difference between an assassin and a military sniper ... or is there?.
some are making a big stink about it and claiming that "snipers are cowards".
it seems unfair to me.
There are no Queensberry Rules in warfare, anymore than there are in a street brawl. To somebody ingrained with a Queensberry Rules mentality, much - if not most - of modern warfare involves widespread use of "cowards" weapons:
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, bombing from high altitudes, and anti-personnel mines being just several examples of such. Singling out the snipers as "cowards" seems to me to be an exercise of somebody who knows very little of what they are talking about. Snipers actually often work from behind enemy lines, where they are as exposed to danger just as much, if not more, than most other combat soldiers.
As for the movie, I would have thought that the time to form an opinion is after having watched it. That is what I will be doing, anyway!
my wife is listening in today.
i hear the speaker talking about "godless" people.
they have not made a thorough investigation about creationism vs evolution.
"Pseudo-science" I would call it, and the list goes on and on. For example, that 1967 magazine (can't remember if it was Watchtower or Awake - one of their propaganda sheets, anyway) that made the claim that men were better suited for headship than women because their brain sizes were larger. That's what they said!
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
They have got some stunning information.
Which they use an ineffectual means to disseminate. Many decades into this electronic age, you would think more effective means to communicate a life and death message would be selected than knocking on people's doors: - doors of houses in which the occupants are usually not at home.
Of course, if, after all, this message is in fact not a life and death issue, then it matters not one jot!